• Environmental Policy

Updated August 2024

At Story, we recognise that curbing emissions and ensuring effective environmental stewardship is a global effort. All organisations need to manage and mitigate the impact of their activities, products and services on the environment.

We are committed to playing our part by continually trying to reduce any harmful environmental impacts our activities might have, including prevention of pollution, whether from our building’s consumption, homeworking or creative productions. To do that, every single person who works for and with Story must do their bit. Some of it’s easy. Some is taking a bit of getting used to. Some will demand big changes in the way we think and behave. But this is our plan and we’re sticking to it:

  • ISO 14001 accreditation

Our Environmental Management System provides a framework to monitor, minimise and mitigate our significant environmental impacts. Our EMS is ISO 14001 accredited and we will work hard to maintain our certification.

  • Watching our carbon footprint

Every year we collect data relating to our energy use, travel, procurement and waste so we can calculate our carbon footprint.

  • A 42% emissions reduction by 2029

We are committed to The Mission’s emission reduction targets, which are validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative. The SBTs require Story to reduce emissions across all three scopes by 42% by 2029.

  • Setting targets to continually improve

We set internal environmental improvement objectives and targets for our main areas of impact. These are monitored and reviewed on an annual basis to ensure continual improvement.

  • Making changes to our everyday working practices

We continue to manage and mitigate the environmental impact of our operations across the agency, with a particular focus on energy, waste, travel and raw materials – our main impact areas.

  • Legal and regulatory compliance

We make sure we comply with all applicable environmental legislation and regulation.

  • Dedicated Environmental Champions

Our in-house Environmental Champions are leading the charge to ensure our business can be sustainably profitable and do good in the world.

  • Training and communications

We communicate with our staff to keep environmental issues front of mind and educate about good environmental stewardship practices and sustainable working practices. For example, all staff are required to complete an annual Environmental Awareness course as part of our mandatory learning. In 2022 we encouraged everyone to attend a climate change workshop.

In all of this, we are proud to be supporting the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Icons representing UN sustainability goals 7 (affordable and clean energy), 12 (responsible consumption and production) and 13 (climate action)

This policy is communicated to all our employees, customers, contractors, and members of the public upon request.

Signed by:

Printed Name: Sue Mullen
Role: Chair, Story Group
Date Signed: 30 July 2024